masters degree in nutrition

certified by USAT (US Triathlon)

20 years of experience as an endurance athlete

qualified for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championships


The kit is representative of the triathlon racing team Jasmine is a part of and separate from Sendoa Nutrition & Coaching.

About Jasmine Miller

Jasmine Miller has a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a certified nutritionist in the state of Washington, a NASM certified Sports Nutritionist, and a USAT Certified Level 1 triathlon coach (see “certifications” for more details).

Jasmine’s athletic achievements are numerous. She has achieved podium placements at races in all distances from the 5k to full marathon and 70.3 distance triathlon (aka. Half Ironman distance). Jasmine has qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon, qualified for the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championships twice, and raced the world championships once. But she was not always an athlete. Jasmine did not start running until she was almost 18 years old, and she did not discover the sport of triathlon until she was 30 years old. Jasmine feels her un-athletic background makes her uniquely suited to be a coach because she knows what it is like to truly start from “ground zero” and make tremendous progress with years of dedication and hard work. Additionally, Jasmine has learned, personally, over the years the importance of proper fueling and how a solid nutrition plan can truly take you to the next level.

Since 2016 Jasmine has worked as a clinical nutritionist focusing on metabolic health and weight management. Since 2021 she has been part of the teaching staff for a graduate level sports nutrition course at her alma mater, University of Western States. Jasmine’s background in the healthcare field, as an athlete, and as part of the teaching staff at the graduate level makes her uniquely qualified to work as a dedicated sports nutritionist and assist athletes in reaching their full potential. She bases all of her recommendations from a science backed approach, meaning you will never hear her recommending fad diets nor supplements that are a waste of money.